Bangsa Papua dan bangsa Skotlandia sama-sama belum merasakan
kemerdekaan yang karena penjajahan. Oleh karena itu, Tuan Benny Wenda bersama
parlemen Skotlandia sepakat bahwa penentuan hak kemerdekaan sebuah bangsa tidak
boleh ditentukan oleh bangsa lain.
Tuan Benny Wenda merasa terharu dengan dukungan politik parlemen
Skotlandia yang akan memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Papua. Sebaliknya Tuan Benny
Wenda juga akan memberikan dukungan kemerdekaan bagi bangsa Skotlandia.
Press Release dari Tuan Benny Wenda kepada seluruh dunia:
Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) will increase its global reach when
there is a launch this Thursday in the Scottish Parliament.
The event will see a number of ScottishMSPs publicly sign the West
Papua declaration.
International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) will
increase its global reach when there is a launch this Thursday in the Scottish Parliament.
Hosted by Aileen Campbell MSP, the event will
see a number of Scottish MSPs publicly sign the West Papua declaration,
supporting the right of the West Papuan people to have a vote
on self-determination.
Following on from launches in the UK Houses of Parliament, European Parliament and in Papua New
Guinea, this event is another huge leap forward towards bringing justice to the
people of West Papua.